TEL: 410-284-1301
We offer the following options for filing your taxes:
In person appointment at our local office
Document Drop off service at our local office
Document Upload
Unsure if changes in tax regulations will impact your filing experience this tax year? Feel free to consult our newsletter below which captures changes announced by the IRS.
Tax Year 2024 Annual Stansbury-Poplar Services Newsletter
Greetings from Stansbury Poplar Tax and Accounting Services! We are open for appointments and drop-offs on
Friday, January 24th. We will be able to accept your documents through drop-off, mail, fax, or email using our
website –
Here are some of the changes in place for filing tax year 2024
• Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit- Maximum credit is $1200 for energy property costs and
efficient home improvements with limits on doors ($250. per door and $500. total), windows ($600.) and
home energy audits ($150.) In addition, you can claim a credit of $2000. a year for qualified heat pumps,
biomass stoves or biomass boilers. The credit has no lifetime dollar limit and the maximum credit can be
claimed every year that you make eligible improvements until 2033. The credit is nonrefundable, so you
can’t get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes, and you cannot apply excess credit to future years.
Identification numbers will be required for items placed in service after 2024.
• Federal Solar Tax Credit - Solar energy credit of 30% for panels, installation, equipment and sales tax.
You must own and not lease the solar photovoltaic (PV) system, it must have a capacity rating of at least 3
kilowatt-hours and it must be located at your primary or secondary US residence. Credit phases out 2033.
• Electric Car (Clean Vehicle Credit)- In order to claim the credit, the vehicle must meet the “assembled in
the US” rule, the electric motor rule and US component rule. A copy of the invoice and VIN number is
needed to determine eligibility. The credit amount is either $0, $3750 or $7500 if placed in service in 2024.
No credit is available for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income is $300,000 married filing joint,
$225,000 for head of household and $150,000 for all others.
• Tax brackets- Indexed up for inflation - 12% for incomes over $11,600 ($23,201 married filing joint),
22% for incomes over $47,151 ($94,301 married filing joint), 24% for incomes over $100,526 ($201,051 for married filing joint), 32% for incomes over $191,951($383,901 for married filing joint), 35% for incomes
over $243,726 ($487,451 for married filing joint),37% for incomes over $609,351 ($731,201for married filing joint)
• Standard Deduction Increased: Single and Married filing separately $14,600, Head of Household
$21,900, Married filing jointly and surviving spouse $29,200.
• Gift exclusion - You may gift someone up to $18,000 without reporting the gift to the IRS
• Mileage Rates Change for 2024: Mileage Deductions- Business only (LLC, S Corp, Corp, Private
Entrepreneur) rate: 67 cents per mile; Charity: 14 cents a mile; Medical: 21 cents per mile
• Education Credits and Tuition - The American Opportunity Education Credit ($2500 credit for the first
four years of postsecondary education) and Lifetime Learning Credit ($2000. of postsecondary education
courses to improve job skills) are available in 2024.
• Premium Tax Credit and Health Insurance: If you purchased insurance for all or any part of the year through the marketplace known as Health Insurance Marketplace via, then you will receive form 1095 A indicating the amount of the
Premium Tax Credit. For 2024 tax year, you must bring the form 1095A in order to file.
• Tax on Child’s investment – The maximum amount of unearned, investment income such as dividends,
capital gains and interest that a child can have without it being subject to tax is $2600.
• Increased Due Diligence Requirements for Tax Practitioners - In order to claim a Head of Household
status, Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Credit, and/or American Opportunity Credit, taxpayers must have
physical documentation of the child’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and address. Also, In
compliance with Circular 230, your 2023 taxes will include an engagement letter detailing the tax
preparation service.
• Maryland Retirement Tax Reduction Act of 2020 - $1750. Tax credit for over 65 Married filing Joint
filers - income less than $150,000. / A $1000. Tax credit for Single over 65 with $100,000 income or lessAs of this date, the IRS will begin accepting returns late January; however, those filing taxes with an Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credits, may be processed later in February, 2025.
Cathy, Barbara, Cindy and Anne will be preparing taxes starting January 24, 2025. Please call 410-284-1301 for an appointment. The tax deadline is April 15, 2025. For your convenience, we will have a drop off form, checklist and engagement letter on our website at We look forward to hearing from you!
Tax Checklist
General Information:
_____Social Security numbers for all persons on the tax return
_____Birthdates and addresses of children and dependent adults
_____Estimated payments made to IRS and State of Maryland
_____W 2s, 1099 Misc., 1099 NEC
_____Interest - Banks, Checking and Savings Acts, CD’s Treasury Bills
_____Dividends - Mutual Funds, Stocks
_____State Refund from last year if you filed 1040 with itemized deductions
_____Alimony received from divorce decrees made pre-2018
_____Unemployment Compensation
_____Traditional IRA, Pension, Annuity, Retirement withdrawals
_____IRA Rollovers; Roth Conversion
_____Pension Income - 1099 R
_____Social Security Statements
_____Stock Disposals/Sales - 1099 B (Need original purchase date, original cost, sell date)
_____Rental Income and expenses
_____Business income and Expenses
_____Other Income: Lottery Winnings, Miscellaneous Income, 1099 C (Cancellation of Debt), 1099 K (Internet Sales)
_____Sale of house: Settlement papers when bought and sold
Adjustments and or Tax Credit Information
_____IRA Contributions – Traditional or Roth
_____Penalty on early withdrawal of savings
_____Child Care Credit: Need social security or EIN number of child care provider, address, and amount paid
_____Educational expenses relating to post-secondary education – 1098 T
_____Student Loan Interest
_____Self -employed medical insurance
_____Educator expenses
_____Elective deferrals to a 401(k) or other qualified employer plan, voluntary employee contributions and 501 c (18) plan
_____Residential energy efficiency improvements – solar cells, energy saving roof*, windows*, doors* (lifetime cap $500.)
_____1095 A, 1095 B, 1095 C – Cost and information about Health insurance premiums
_____ Health Savings Account participants– forms 5498-SA; 1099 SA
_____529 College plans for Maryland deduction
Itemized Deductions Still deductible:
____Medical and dental costs which include:
Doctor and dentist fees, braces, prescription medicines, insulin, acupuncture, air conditioner necessary for allergies, nursing fees,
hospital fees, contacts and supplies, chiropractic services, medical, dental and long-term care insurance, hearing aids, dentures,
guide dog for physically disabled, birth control prescribed by a doctor, special equipment installed in a home to provide a medical
benefit, surgery to improve vision, long term care premiums
_____State income taxes paid in 2024
_____Real Estate taxes - Personal Property Taxes - Ground Rent
_____Sales tax on motor vehicles, motor home
_____Home mortgage Interest
_____Points paid on a refinance and purchase of residence
_____Investment interest
_____Charitable contribution
_____Casualty and theft losses
_____Gambling losses to the extent of Gambling Winnings
Working Hours
January - April 18th
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00 pm​​
Sunday: Closed
After April 29th
By Appointment Only
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1705-A Poplar Place
Dundalk, MD 21224